15 Bible Verses for 4th of July

Bible verses for 4th of July

On July 4th, as we celebrate Independence Day, it’s important to reflect on the true meaning of freedom and how our faith intertwines with the spirit of this national holiday. The Fourth of July is more than fireworks, barbecues, and parades. As we gather with friends and family, it’s a moment to remember that our ultimate freedom comes from … Read more

Never Too Late: 105-Year-Old Fulfills Lifelong Dream with Stanford Master’s Degree

105 year old stanford graduate

A 105-year-old woman finally got her master’s degree from Stanford University after more than 80 years. This story reminds us that we are never too old to chase our dreams. Life may throw us unexpected twists, but with perseverance and faith, we can achieve remarkable things. Virginia “Ginnie” Hislop, from Washington state, received her master’s … Read more