If You Have These Antique Items In Your Attic, They Could Be Worth A Fortune By Now. Over time, we accumulate lots of stuff – and some of it we don’t want to let go. So, we place certain objects in our attics, where they’ll likely be forgotten about. But that shouldn’t be the end of their story. You see, it turns out that some of the most common antique items are actually worth big bucks. And with that in mind, here are 40 to look for in your home.
Nowadays, you can get a smartphone that does all of the computing you need and also fits into your pocket. And that’s why you probably keep your clunker of a vintage computer in the attic. But if that device is seriously old school, it could be worth a lot of money. Indeed, appraiser Eric Silver told Popular Mechanics that a first edition Apple computer sold for a whopping $900,000 at auction.