The last place you would expect to see an Orca is on dry land but that is where a young female Orca found herself stranded one morning in July 2015, along the shore of British Columbia. Orcas, also called Killer Whales, are the largest members of the dolphin family and these distinctive, black and white mammals hunt in pods in these seas. This naïve Orca obviously made a miscalculation and when the tide went out, she became trapped on sharp rocks – in pain and distress – unable to swim away. When Rescuers Arrived, Something incredible Happened.

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The last place you would expect to see an Orca is on dry land but that is where a young female Orca found herself stranded one morning in July 2015, along the shore of British Columbia. Orcas, also called Killer Whales, are the largest members of the dolphin family and these distinctive, black and white mammals hunt in pods in these seas. This naïve Orca obviously made a miscalculation and when the tide went out, she became trapped on sharp rocks – in pain and distress – unable to swim away. When Rescuers Arrived, Something incredible Happened.

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